Being a Certified
Nurse-Midwife in Florida
In the state of Florida, the Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM) is licensed and regulated by the Florida Board of Nursing as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN). There are two pathways for licensure: Supervisory APRN and Autonomous APRN (AAPRN). On this page, you will find some helpful information related to becoming a CNM in the state of Florida. You can also click the link below to go directly to the FL Board of Nursing.
The steps listed below are the required steps for all APRNs to achieve an active license in the state of Florida
Requirements for licensure as a CNM in Florida
Hold a valid Registered Nurse (RN) license from any U.S. jurisdication (at initial APRN licensure).
Education Requirement:
Applicants who graduated on or after October 1, 1998 must have completed requirements for a master's degree or post-master's degree certifications.
Applicants who graduated prior to this applicable date are exempt from this requirement.
Applicants from either a certificate or currently closed program should submit supporting docuementation that demonstrates program compliance with Board guidelines.
After July 1, 2006, applicants for licensure as an APRN pursuant to section 464.012(1), F.S., shall submit proof of national advanced practice certification from an approved nursing specialty board.
Proof of malpractice insurance or exemption.
Process for Licensure
Applicant submits application and appropriate fees.
Applicant scheduled an electronic fingerprint appointment with a Livescan Service Provider.
Applicants contacts national certifying body and has proof of certificaiton sent ot the FL Board of Nursing.
Applicant submits proof of malpractice insurance or exemption.
Once all materials are submitted, an applicant specialist will review them. It may be necessary for the applicant specialist to request additional information.
When all requirements are met an APRN license is issued.
The APRN must file a protocol with the practice location.
Initial APRN applications are reviewed within 30 days and typically processing time is currently 7-9 business days.
Application Fees
Current application fees are as follows:
$110 for application and licensure fee.
Livescan fingerprinting varies by service provider.
Fees for certification verification as per certifiying body.
Upon receiving a clear and active APRN license in Florida, the CNM can proceed to the application for the authorization of the Autonomous Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (AAPRN).
Requirements for Obtaining the Autonomous APRN Authorization
Hold an active, clear, Florida APRN license.
Must have completed 3,000 clinical hours under the supervision of an allopathic or osteopathic physician within the past 5 years. These hours may include instructional hours as faculty. See 464.123(1)(c), F.S. for complete requirements.
Must submit proof of three graduate-level semester hours (or the equivalent) in differential diagnosis, and three graduate-level semester hours (or the equivalent) in pharmacology completed within the last 5 years. Click here for description of equivalent courses.
Must not have been subject to disciplinary action as specified in s.456.075, F.S. or s.464.018, F.S. or any similar disciplinary action in any state or jurisdication within the past 5 years.
Process for AAPRN Authorization
All applications are reviewed for completeness within 30 days of receipt of the application.
Once all materials are submitted, an application specialist will review them. It may be necessary for the application specialist to request additional information.
When all requirements are met the autonomous practice authorization will be added to the current Florida license.
Application Fees
There is NO registration fee for this application.